With grateful hearts...
Thank you, with your support...
I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you,
Phillipians 1:3
Theology of the Body into the Classroom
Shared Theology of the Body based curriculum programs with over 1,000 faculty and administrators, over 125 Catholic Colleges and Universities, Albany Diocese Catholic Schools and Faith Formation programs. Assisted parish programs and Catholic Schools in the Albany Diocese in implementing ROOTED: K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum.
Confirmation Service Projects
Created Confirmation Service projects that allow candidates to encourage the culture of life where everyone is seen as a gift to be cherished.
Marriage Resources
Assisted couples in learning more about their shared fertility and helped to connect them with couples living out the Catholic faith in their marriage. Shared Theology of the Body PRE CANA Course, Marriage Retreats, Struggling Marriage and Parent Support Resources to over 120 parishes and more than 175 priests in the Albany NY Diocese.
Gabriel Project
Trained multiple parishes to assist pregnant moms in need throughout the diocese of Albany. Continued support available for parishes for training, signage and access to the toll-free number.
Online Programming
Developed Walking with Moms online conference to respond to the USCCB's Walking with Moms in Need: a year of service. The program included blessings from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of Albany and was shared with over 50 dioceses across the United States via the USCCB and over 120 Albany NY parishes.
Healthcare &
Mental Health
Offered links to authentic Catholic healthcare providers and mental health care resources, along with Catholic bioethics (including vaccine information) to over 500 people.
Prayed the rosary weekly to support the ministry and especially the Embrace Hope Infertility Support Group.